Tuesday 11 December 2007

About Me

Hi, my name is Penny Stephens, and I live at Barnsgold in Cornwall with my husband Brian, (who supports me tremendously in all I do with the dogs,) and my amazing Golden Retriever family. I have adored animals all my life, and have never lived without them, but Goldies are absolutely the tops for me. They are everything anyone could ever need for a complete life....loving, loyal, gentle, fun, welcoming, non-judgemental, and they love unconditionally. I always think that humans could learn much from them. They make superb Mothers, and know the true meaning of devotion to duty. I have some rescued Goldies, and I also breed.....very carefully. I take my breeding very seriously and do everything in my power to ensure the Mother and pups are cared for as well as it is possible to be. My pups are always born indoors, and I sleep in the whelping room with them for the first 4 weeks, partly to support the mother, and partly to ensure the pups don't get rolled on by her. My girls tend to have large litters, and therefore seem to appreciate the extra help I offer them. I absolutely adore my dogs.... they mean so very much to me. They make life complete for me, in a way that only they can. I like to think that by breeding these dogs carefully and putting so much into them, I am able to bring some of what they give me, into the lives of others. My aim is always to produce fit, healthy, well adjusted dogs who experience, and give many years of enjoyment to their owners. I am always happy to hear from anyone who has lost their precious Goldie and needs to talk to someone who understands the devastating impact this will have had on their life. Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone who has experienced the same feelings through their loss, and understands how heartbreaking it is. Equally, I love to hear from anyone who would like to discuss Goldies for any reason, or is maybe thinking about getting a puppy and needs some advice and support in this big decision. My Phone number can be found on my main Champdogs page.

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