Tuesday 11 December 2007

Keweras Boys - Bili

Bili is 2 years old. He is a very special boy as he was born with a cleft pallette. He didn't have the skills to feed from his Mum, and therefore I bottle fed him every 2/3 hours day and night until he was six weeks old. I eventually got him onto soft solids, and he went from strength to strength. When he was 9 months old I took him to Newmarket, and had his cleft pallette repaired by Dick White, and my own vet Rob Kellagher, who flew up to assist. Bili is now thriving and enjoying pushing everyone else around! He is very much a 'people' dog, due to his hand-rearing, and stays close by your side when out and about. I am so proud to have got Bili this far, as at times it was touch and go, but he wanted to live and I wanted to help him..and between us we made it!

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