Tuesday 11 December 2007

Gone but never forgotten - Honey

Honey was my first ever Golden Retriever. She was the most amazingly devoted dog you could ever wish to meet. She used to help carry the shopping in from the car, running in and out of the house excitedly for the next bag. When she went for her walk, she would wait until she reached a certain point and then insist on carrying her pooper scooper home! She once ran right across the cricket pitch from the pavillion with a large bottle in her mouth to give my husband a drink...then ran all the way back to me with it. Honey became unwell at a very young age, and was finally diagnosed with lymphoma when she was 2 years and 5 months old. She was so ill that I did the only thing I could for her, and had her put to sleep. I have never stopped missing her, and doubt I ever will, but I am able to smile about the very special times we shared, which are firmly fixed in my heart and mind., and always will be.

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