Tuesday 11 December 2007

Keweras Girls - Kizzi and Tira

Kizzi and Tira are sisters. They are full of mischief! Tira sustained an injury to her muzzle after her Mother 'over disciplined' her at 2 weeks old, and has been left with a blocked tear duct and slightly uneven face. It certainly doesn't detract from her very loving and mischievious nature though. Kizzi was sold from the litter, but came back to me, and I decided to keep her. She is slightly paler than Tira, but is equally mischievious! Kizzi loves giving kisses, and hugs you round the neck with her paws. She is a darling, and will hopefully make a very devoted Mum to her pups when the time comes. Kizzi had 6 absolutely stunning pups in July 2006 with Tamar. She was a truly lovely Mum to her babies, and kept them spotlessly clean and well fed at all times. Tira wasn't quite ready for mating when her turn came, being the less mature of the two, so hopefully she will have matured enough by the time her next season arrives...we'll see!

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