Tuesday 11 December 2007

Keweras Girls - Tekka

Tekka is 2 years old and is a poppet. She had her first litter of stunning pups in November 2006, and was the world's most protective mother. We expected her to allow her Mum (Maddie) to share the task of raising her young, as they are very close, but she would simply not allow anyone except us near them, until they reached 5 weeks. She nurtured and cared for her beautiful pups as an experienced mother would, and I am so proud of her. She is very pale cream, and is extremely pretty. She has a truly loving nature and is a joy to own. Tekka should produce my first litter of 2008. If they are anything like her last litter, I can't wait to see them! Choice of stud not yet decided.

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